At StaffSavvy, we combine all Roster Management and HR tools on one platform.
Have staff that self-manage! StaffSavvy can automate your compliance processes, so managers can spend their time on other things. We reduce admin and features like an automated payroll process removes human error, saving you hours of time. Increase staff engagement; StaffSavvy is so easy to use that teams can interact and engage through the platform on any device.
We manage your shifts and rosters
Regardless of whether you are managing a team of 5 or 500, we have the tools to create and manage your team’s shifts easily. StaffSavvy smartly manages all staff cover requests, exchanges and cancellations. The best thing about it? Your rosters can be set up in minutes saving you time.
Enterprise agreement rules?
We’re ready!
Store your enterprise agreement information about the terms of the relationship between an employer and an employee on the StaffSavvy system.
Australia specific data sets such as TFN
All your related sets of information will be stored together as one, including Tax File Numbers.
Customise the data as needed and include additional data sets.
In-country service
Servers and data storage are in-region along with our local Australian reseller who will provide you with training and first-line support for your StaffSavvy platform. All will be backed by the full support and development team in the UK.
Book your demo now
Want to find out more about how StaffSavvy roster
management software can help your business run more efficiently?
Just get in touch to book a free demo