Museums — StaffSavvy


Trusted by world-renowned
museums to support their
talented teams


We have been working with museums on helping them create intelligent rotas based on staff availability and absences, The StaffSavvy system can create accurate calculations for contracted hours and overtime payments. Find a streamlined cost coding process allowing easier chargebacks to the correct department and find support for salaried, casual and freelancer staff within a single rota and payroll.

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Manage and support your staff more efficiently

Your single platform can help imply routine without requiring manual review of staff availability, find yourself easily supporting freelancer requirements by selecting shifts they want to work and viewing the hours to charge us. You have access to accurate freelancer invoice reconciliation to shifts and actually worked, also a two-click timesheet export for the external payroll team with the correct overtime calculations.


StaffSavvy is used and trusted by


V&A Dundee

“From day one, StaffSavvy have been a very supportive and capable team, taking the time to either explain or adapt the system for any queries or business needs we have had.

The software is flexible and feature-rich and deals with our diverse staff and contract types with ease, and has been well received by all those who use it.”
